Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 133 Caught being a jerk

I have come up with a brilliant idea. I am going to start blogging a lot more and write all the boring little details involved in the production of Rock Bottom. I officially started working on Rock Bottom on April 30th 2011, when I had lunch with Vishal and he told me he had been writing a script for it. I worked on it for about two weeks, then furiously went back to working on Let's Get Fiscal.

LGF is now completely coded and I am simply waiting for bits and pieces from some people. So each blog post is going to start out with a day number followed by a snazzy title of some sort. This way you can sort of understand better why I take so damn long to create Rock Bottom. So first I had to figure out how many days it has been since I started working on Rock Bottom. I wrote some code in C# to figure it out for me. How clever am I?

Yesterday I spam replied all the artists to applied to a job posting I put up, then I bragged about it on this blog. It resulted in this email from one of the artists I spam replied.
This brought me back to the middle of the week when I was playing StarCraft 2 with Seedo. We played a bunch of 4v4 games and I would always unintentionally do things to irritate my team mates. One of my team mates blocked my ramp so I couldn't leave my base. So I asked him to move but he didn't, so I killed one of his zealots to get out. This caused the whole team to get furious at me and my team mates started attacking me. So it went from a 4v4 to a 7v1.

We played about 5 games and in every single one I did something to make my team mates mad and attack me. I also got this response from someone when I was negotiating prices.

Ouch. I'm one of those people who is really polite and nice in real life, but when I get on the internet I become a total jerk. In other words the sort of person who is unpleasant and not nice to be around.

1 comment:

  1. A Very Professional ArtistSeptember 10, 2011 at 6:11 PM

    Hi Angus,

    I am a very professional artist. I only deal with companies that are very professional like I am. I take myself and my work very seriously. I believe formalism is the key here. Like, you know, strictly business. I make $10.00 a week.

