Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 134 Profiteering

Get Rich or Die Gaming and Virtual Kelvin both cost about $1, and I get 70% from every copy sold. Over the month I have amassed a huge collection of cents from these games. However yesterday I acquired 20 cents in a spectacular fashion.

Yesterday I woke up, did some programming on Rock Bottom. I basically linked the game up and did some planning. So I planned out what backgrounds I needed to get drawn and what backgrounds could be photographs with a filter applied to them. Then I replied to all the emails I got from artists. I'm not really sure who to go with. About 40 people applied, I looked through all the galleries and really liked about 8 of them. Unfortunately none of the people I really liked wrote back. I feel like the backgrounds are not very difficult to draw and it doesn't matter too much who I go with.

After doing all that heavy programming and emailing I went to the train station to meet Cooper and then take the train to City and watch a rugby match. Unfortunately I got to the station early and Cooper said he would be fifteen minutes. So I wandered around and decided to buy a bottle of coke from some shop.

I got the coke from the cabinet. Placed it down on the counter. The guy at the shop hit some buttons on his register and it displayed $3.60. Nothing out of the ordinary here, except that $3.60 is quite a lot of money for a bottle of coke.

I grabbed some coins from my pocket. I found five fifty cent pieces. Put them down on the counter. Then moved them to the side in a gesture that said "this is not the complete amount of payment, do not be alarmed shop keeper.". Then I fished around for a one dollar coin. Found one and put it down a few centimeters from the pile of fifty cent coins. Then I looked at the shop keeper and adjusted my body in such a way to say "That's it. I have given you the payment. Now where is my change".

The stupid thing is, I actually thought that I was entitled to ten cents change. I somehow gained the belief that paying $3.50 for something that costs $3.60 should result in receiving ten cents change. The even stupider thing is so did the shop keeper. He hit some buttons and then gave me ten cents change. I feel like it worked because I was acting so natural because I truly believed I deserved change. I want to try it again some day.

Also I imagine it is possible the shop keeper thought "Oh this guy has only given me three dollars fifty. Whatever, I don't care about ten cents. I'll just accept it. Hmmm. He is still here and somehow feels like he deserves some change. Whatever I'll just give him another ten cents. Fuck he is stupid".

Damn! I just realised those two ten cent pieces could have become my pair of lucky ten cent coins. I think I gave them to a busker in Central station later that night.

Alright on to game development discussion. First I suggest you check out Vishal discussing writing Rock Bottom's script. Today I haven't done any work on Rock Bottom. I have about eight emails to reply to, maybe I'll choose a background artist tonight, but I might wait until tomorrow morning to see if anyone else replies. Yeah that's probably good idea. Then I am going to make some minor changes. Like making Professor X go away after you receive a custume (not a spelling mistake), from him. I'll try to finish up the entire first level. Which will require me to piece together the a toast Wilson gives at the masked prison guards ball.

Fun times ahead.

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