Friday, April 29, 2011

Virtual Kelvin Day 4

Today I woke up early and jumped straight onto my computer to see if there was any sales data for Virtual Kelvin on the ol' AppHub. There was not. So I went back to sleep. Then I woke up again later and went to talk to Jack. He did not say anything particularly interesting. Come on Jack, up your game. Then I played StarCraft for a few hours. Then Actual Kelvin called me
"Yo yo yo yo yo baby brah, want to come over to my house and play board games with Steve?"
"OK! Let's get lunch first"
"For sure for sure."

So Actual Kelvin drove over to my house and we drove down to Aberdeen. Below is the sort of guy you should expect to meet at Aberdeen.

A guy without a shirt and a handful of money. So I went off down to some shop, bought three bowls of noodles and then three cans of coke and then we drove back to Le Chateau Reelles Kelvin. The third bowl was for BECKY, Actual Kelvin's actual girlfriend.

Then we watched Hard Boiled, a movie where a cop called Tequila repeatedly shoots hundreds of people until they are in a state of death. Then we watched Beerfest. I watched Beerfest in the movies in Sydney and walked out halfway through thinking it was stupid and completely immature. However today I really liked it. Intriguing. Then I went to the supermarket, bought some  marshmallows and ate them for dinner. It wasn't a good idea. Who cares about today though? What about Thursday last week? Well it sucked.


I woke up and read an email from Microsoft "Your account has been verified". FUCK YEAH!

So what does that mean to the common retard who doesn't know how to a publish a Windows Phone 7 application? Well retard, it means that I can deploy code to my phone and get a better understanding of how it behaves. Also please do not interrupt me during my blog, I do not appreciate it.

So at that point all I had coded was an app that played a video when you tapped on the screen. There was a lot to do. Now I know a lot of people don't really understand what a programmer does when he writes code. So I want you to imagine a massive horse. Let's say this horse needs to get somewhere 1000 metres away from where it is. In it's way are numerous styrofoam barriers.

The horse has four options:
1. Give up and stay where it is. Sadly this is what many programmer horses do.
2. Look for an alternate route without barriers.
3. Wait for the barriers to melt away. This will never happen of course, styrofoam is a wonder material.
4. Charge at full speed at the barriers smashing them into a million pieces while screaming out loudly.

Option four was my only choice, my goal was to get Virtual Kelvin coded really fast. So I coded and coded and then coded. Then I went to the super market to buy lunch. How pathetic, but it is the fastest way to eat lunch. Then at 7.00 PM I stopped coding and went down to the Cyberport to wait for the 69X bus with Kelvin (at the time he had no virtual competition so calling him Actual Kelvin would be ridiculous).

Why the hell were we going to Causeway Bay on a Thursday night? Clubbing for ladies night? You have got to be kidding me. We're guys man! We can't get free drinks on ladies night. Think before you ask questions reader. Frisbee. We went to some park at Happy Valley and when I got there I showed everyone an early version of Virtual Kelvin. They all loved it, or did they? Who knows.

Some guy came over and kicked us off the pitch because we didn't book it. Fuck that guy! So we went over to Victoria Park and played on the football pitches. It was great. Afterwards I tried to convince everyone to drink beers with me. They did not want to drink beers, so instead we ate dinner. Then we played video games at I-One.

Here is Gary trying to decide what to order. Hurry up and decide Gary!

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