Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Virtual Kelvin Tuesday

I woke up today to find that Virtual Kelvin was failed in certification, I wasn't treating the back button with the respect it deserves. So I opened up the ol' VISUAL STUDIO and got to work respecting the back button. After a certain amount  of respect was given to the back button I made an XAP let it sail freely from the AppHub. Hopefully this next build will be A-O-KAY.

Then I went to the beach with actual Kelvin. We cooked lots of pork and chicken and then went swimming and played volley ball. It was great. But what did I do this time last week you ask? Good question whoever the hell you are.


Making a video game is no laughing matter, hehe, it is serious business. I wanted to code Virtual Kelvin in one week, and that requires lots of planning, lots of working and of course a small amount of sleeping. So I took the only logical step. I went surfing. Kelvin woke me up at 10.00 AM, we drove over to the Star Ferry pier to pick up Vishal. Then we drove over to Dai Long Wan.

From there we took part in the past time known as surfing. I surfed on the wave and fell off ZERO times because I great. Then we ate lunch and I gave a speech to motivate Kelvin and Vishal. This is known as 'team building', expert business men know about it.

Next we drove home and I got out my video camera and started filming clips for Virtual Kelvin. Unfortunately the video camera wasn't charged and Jack had misplaced the charger. Damn Jack.

So we filmed with Kelvin's small little terrible camera, and recorded audio to a computer using Audacity at the same time. This is why the sound quality in Virtual Kelvin is so beautiful. Microphone technology, you can read about it on Wikipedia.

So we spent about 45 minutes filming Kelvin's reactions to the fifty jokes. Unfortunately i picked a terrible spot to film and the footage was useless.

Damn you Kelvin! How could you let me film 45 minutes of such terrible footage. You're lucky I didn't fire you for that. After 10 minutes of yelling at Kelvin in my mind I decided to reshoot all the jokes and reactions on my sofa.

That's much better, there's a sofa in the background and a nice painting of something. So we filmed and filmed and filmed. Then finally we were happy. We got all the footage. We recorded 25 minutes of footage on the camera, and 25 minutes of audio on my laptop running Audacity. So I saved the audacity file, THEN IT CRASHED.

KELVIN! How could you let audacity crash like that? If it wasn't for the team building session in the morning I would have surely fired him and then fed him to my dog. Instead I read some stuff and figured out how to recover .wav files from a crash.

Then Vishal and Kelvin went home. It was time for the LEAD HOT SHOT PROGRAMMER to take over. I coded a basic version of Virtual Kelvin. Tap the screen, a video plays, tap it again the video plays again. Et cetera.

It worked! Now to try it out on a device. However I didn't have a device so I decided to buy one the following day.

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