Thursday, May 12, 2011

Back to Australia

It sure is cold in Sydney. I got back to Sydney on Sunday morning at 6.30 AM after taking a night flight from with Virgin, who are terrible. They made so many announcements about the stupidest things, they made an announcement to tell everyone about a video featuring Richard Branson in the in-flight entertainment.

I got out of the airport and there were no trains to the City. So I joined a huge line for a taxi and just happened to get the stupidest taxi driver ever. He drove fine, but he talked about the stupidest things. 

"Hey buddy, you know how Jesus's mother, Mary, was a virgin when she got pregnant."
"Sure" I replied.
"Well have you ever wondered why that doesn't happen today?"
"No". I hadn't wondered that, because I don't believe it happened.
"Well I have". At this point I thought he was about to tell me to how the bible isn't accurate. He continued "So I went onto google and searched up 'Virgin births today', and I found a whole stack of results. One was from BBC News. So there you go. God must be real"
"There you go" I replied.

I know a lot of people who would have argued with him. They would have told him a whole bunch of things and tried to persuade him otherwise. I would have done the same thing, if it wasn't for an incident involving Tom Davis and some instant noodles.

When I was at boarding school everyone suddenly started eating Mi Goreng Noodles. So after a while I tried them out. I had been eating instant noodles for a long time so I knew how to make them. I opened the packet, put the noodles in a bowl and then poured half a litre of boiling water on them. Cooked them in the microwave for three minutes. Took them out and went down to sit at a table. Tom Davis was at that table.

I opened the five flavouring packets, then was about to pour them into the bowl.
"Don't do that Angus!" said Tom Davis.
"Why not?"
"You need to take out the water first. Then pour that stuff in"
"PSSSH! I've been cooking instant noodles for years" I arrogantly dismissed as I poured in the packets.

Then I proceeded to eat the most disgusting bowl of noodles ever. 
"These noodles suck" I said out to Tom Davis.
"Yeah they sure do". Tom replied.

Tom won that round and that's when I decided to let idiots be idiots. On the topic of idiots, let's discuss the latest developments in the world of Get Rich or Die Gaming 2.

That's the opening comic that will be played as a cut scene. 

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