Friday, May 6, 2011

The Truth Behind Virtual Kelvin

Ahoy there readers. So this morning I woke up and took a shower. Then Kelvin called me, we organised to get lunch with his girlfriend at Sheung Wan. "You know what that means. We'll have to take your least favourite bus". The M47. I hate the M47 so much. It's like a mobile retirement home. 

So I walked up the hill to the M47 bus stop, and almost stepped in dog shit on several occasions. Just two of the reasons I hate this bus. Then I waited a few minutes for the bus, got on and paid the fare. The bus was already at 60% capacity. Even though the M47 it had only traveled 2% of it's route. The worst part was my fellow bus riders had all reached 80% of their life span. I sat next to a fat guy who was clutching a large back pack that was filled. Probably with medicine. The seats on the M47 are small, and sitting next to a large man meant that he took up 30% of my seat.

This made me 100% irritated. Kevin lives a few stops after my stop, on the M47s long and winding route. He had a big smile on his face and the look of victory in his eyes. What the hell did he win?

Then I realized, he had formed a plan to make me ride on the M47 so I would be miserable. We took got on the bus at 11:30 AM, also known as the M47 rush our time. Damn him. So we got off at Sheung Wan, walked over to the Pho restaurant and I ordered a Pho and a coke and some chicken wings. The chicken wings were really small. 

Then I went home and worked on Get Rich or Die Gaming 2 - Rock Bottom. Here's a screen shot.

That's Sweepy, he's an inmate in the prison where Wilson Cooper is doing his time. He may look like a nice guy, but he is. So after a while Kelvin called me and we went swimming. I did 20 laps, but Kelvin could only manage 8. He later asked me, 

"Is my beard holding me back?"
"Yes it is Kelvin. Lose the beard."

After swimming I went home. Then I remembered Virtual Kelvin was released this time last week. So set sail for the application hub to see if there was any sales data for Virtual Kelvin.
There sure was. One French guy bought it, and five jerks checked out the free demo. This brought me back to a conversation I had with Kelvin before I started working on Virtual Kelvin.

"Man! I want to be famous so badly."
"Oh really Kelvin?"
"Yeah. I would do anything"
"Would you shave your beard, so that your facial hair would form together to make a moustache?"
"Of course!"

For weeks I had been trying to persuade Kelvin to shave his beard and proudly wear a moustache on his face. He refused. Now I had something known as leverage. So I called Vishal and we got to work on Virtual Kelvin. Then we organised a filming day with Kelvin I told him one thing "Shave your beard"

He turned up to filming day with his full beard. The nerve! He wouldn't shave it, so I said to myself. "Well at least I'll be able to make some money out of the game". Damn you Kelvin. In fact during filming he had the exact same expression on his face I saw at the bus stop. I should have known he was up to something.

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