Monday, May 2, 2011

Virtual Kelvin Saturday

What a day! Actually today was unbelievably boring. The only time I left the house was to walk my dog. Today I coded some basic stuff for Get Rich or Die Gaming : Rock Bottom. Menu stuff, a cut scene engine and some basic adventure game stuff. I have decided to start from scratch because believe it or not the code from Get Rich or Die Gaming is horrifically disgusting. I would take a screenshot and show you but it is just too embarrassing.

I also wrote a lot of emails today. The most annoying part about making a game is finding and hiring graphical artists. First you have to place an job ad somewhere, then you have to look at a lot of galleries and then explain your 'vision' to the artists. Next is negotiating. Some people are crazy, one guy quoted me $2500 for 7 background pictures. Are you kidding me? 

After writing a lot of emails I have hired one character artist and one background artist. Good job Angus, you deserve a promotion. So from now on I am the Top Lead Hot Shot Programmer.

Ben Seib

Ben Seib has featured in every single Baller Industries game. That's right all three of them. What is he doing in prison though? Actually I don't know, I'll ask Vishal later.

Collar Poppa

You meet this guy in the prison yard along with his best buddy. Collar Poppa

Come on artist! Did I really need to tell you Collar Poppa should have a popped collar. Finally we have MC Hummus a rapper who you'll meet in the toilets.

Well that's great, but wait a minute. This post is title Virtual Kelvin Saturday. Should I talk about what happened last Saturday while I was developing Virtual Kelvin? Fine.


So I woke up on Saturday morning and had a thought. "What is Virtual Kelvin is a commercial failure and no one really gives a damn about it". I brushed that to one side and got into massive horse mode and wrote lots of code. Then I hired three graphical designers to create the User Interface and the icons for Virtual Kelvin. I did this because I thought the user interface and icons I had created were really ugly and would turn people off the game. I wanted to have a few artists to choose from so I hired two cheap guys and one expensive guy.

In the end I used the expensive guys stuff. So a lesson was learned, just hire the expensive guy. Then who cares what happened because Virtual Kelvin is currently #106th place on the Puzzle and Trivia section of the WP7 marketplace. Basically nowhere. I wont receive any sales data until Thursday but I am expecting less than five sales.

Fuck Virtual Kelvin!

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