Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Virtual Kelvin Sunday

Today I woke up and had only one thing on my mind. Hiking. So I checked my email, actually I didn't. The internet was dead. So I immediately walked out of the house, caught a bus to Aberdeen. Ate McDonalds for lunch, and proceeded to hike.

McDonalds? Before hiking? Are you crazy? No I am not. I was doing a 25 KM hike and the best thing to do before a long hike is to eat something with a massive amount of calories. So I hiked and hiked and hiked until it was 6.00 PM and I had arrived at Shek O Road. I waited for the bus with some Germans who asked me a lot of questions about buses. I mostly told them I didn't know. Then when I got on the bus it was full so I had to stand. Which is terrible. I got a seat on the train to Central, which is great because I was exhausted.

I sat on the train playing Hypership Out of Control on my Windows Phone. I have been playing it for a really long time now and still can't beat it. Damn you Kris Steele, I even played the XBOX version. When I got home no one was there. Oh man, I was hoping someone would cook me dinner.

So I ate instant noodles for dinner and wen to sleep at 9.00 PM. Then I woke up at 2.00 AM because mosquitoes were harassing me. So I turned on the light and sat perfectly still hoping the mosquitoes would come out from their hiding place so that I could kill them. They did not. So I took a shower and went back to bed.

That's great, but what happened last week when you were developing Virtual Kelvin


I WENT SURFING!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah last week was great, I went surfing with Kelvin, Joey, Claire and Steven. However Steven didn't surf, instead he focused on cooking food. He was the BBQ manager. Surfing was great but I got really sun burnt. 

After surfing, I added the graphics sent to me by the Serbian guy I hired to draw the icons and the user interface for Virtual Kelvin. Unfortunately the graphics had watermarks all over them. Come on Angus, why didn't you just pay the graphic designer. Simply logon to PayPal and pay him. It's not that hard. Well it is that hard! The hard part was this Serb doesn't have a PayPal account, because PayPal is banned in Serbia, along with communism. So how did he want me to pay him. Western Union. So this meant I would have to walk out of my house, to some location not near my house and fill out some forms, pay some cash and then give him some information.

I didn't want to do that on Sunday, so instead I tried to persuade him to give me the unwatermarked versions and I would send him the payment the following day. He did not agree. Damn Serb. So I tested out Virtual Kelvin thoroughly, there were no bugs. I was ready to submit, but I needed the graphics from the Serb. Guess I would have to wait until the next day.


At the moment I am trying to decide who to hire to draw the background pictures for Get Rich or Die Gaming 2. Everyone has been telling me not to hire the same guy as last time. Well last time I drew them! So fuck you! Even though I agree with you.

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