Sunday, August 21, 2011

It is time for us to become fiscal

The latest version of Let's Get Fiscal is now available for you to play, for the low low price of one sandwich. Simply mail the sandwich to my house and then you'll have permission to download the file:
Features Added
- Game has been linked up and can now be played all the way to the end credits.
- Added trial mode restrictions and buy screens in trial mode.
- Combo moves are explained before the level begins.
- When losing all your lives the player is given an opportunity to continue. You have infinite continues.
- Defined the first boss fight of the game, between Treeboi, Kone and Stelven.
- Both will die when treeboi or kone die.
- Game is slowed down when the boss fight is over.
- Added a language warning to the start of the game
- Trial mode ends after cut scene 3.
- Butabi charges away soon after he is attacked.
- Cut scene 3 plays after the boss battle.
- A thrown bad guy does damage to other bad guys he is thrown into.
- If you don't/can't buy the game you are greeted with a DEMO OVER screen.
- Modified the circular attack.
- Made place holder cut scenes.

Bugs Fixed
- Modified the walking zone for the treeboi and kone office level.
- Modified the walking zone for the freezer level.
- Bigger font is used for the players life count.
- Modified the controls screen to remove the X button.
- Reduced Vinny's grab requirement, you need to get closer to be grabbed by him now.
- Different bad guys can have different grab requirements.
- Stelven is not allowed to walk while the game is fading out.
- Boss music now always plays.
- Bad guys do less damage.
- Using a new GO sign and a new FIGHT sign.

- Add in splash screen.
- Make bad guys wait for the player on one knee.
- Find out why KIKI stops whirling
- Code the remaining two boss fights.
- Define BIFO and PRINTING levels properly.

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